Who We Are
ED-EN HUB is an Erasmus+ project co-financed by the European Union and developed by a consortium made up of 8 institutions from 5 different European countries. This international cooperation alliance will allow the development of tools and methodologies towards the creation of synergies between educational institutions and enterprises.

Our objectives
ED-EN HUB aims to create, test and diffuse collaborative education-enterprise approaches for the identification, development and assessment of emerging skill gaps, with a focus on transversal and transferable competences.
In particular, the project will have the following operational objectives:
To develop a methodology for the joint (education-enterprise) development of innovative complex competences resulting from the emerging needs of the labour market and active citizenship
To create the conditions, in the partner regions, to make joint training of teachers/trainers/tutors from VET and trainers from industry an easily accessible opportunity
To support the development of regional ED-EN HUBs, as visible and institutionally supported Centers of Excellence for Education-Enterprise collaboration
To co-create, test and diffuse collaborative education-enterprise approaches for the professional guidance and individual support of young and adult learners searching (re)qualification and employment perspectives
To link the activities of the ED-EN HUB Network to Regional Development policies and maximize their impact at the regional, national and EU level
In order to achieve our objectives, the project will develop the following Intellectual Outputs (IOs):

IO - 1
A Toolkit for the joint development of transversal and transferable competences.
IO - 2
A European platform and model for ED-EN HUB structures, to be proposed to other EU regions, as an impact multiplier of the project
IO - 3
Guidelines and learning resources for Joint Training the Trainers, including instruments for joint design of collaboration activities between education and Industry
IO - 4
Guidelines for cooperative guidance and support to individual learners searching qualification and employment perspectives, following the principle of Learner’s agency (autonomy and intentionality).
IO - 5
Policy Recommendations to support education-enterprise collaboration through the integration of private and public funding (structural funds, Erasmus + and local resources).
Broader outcomes and impact
The project is expected to produce a significant increase in the level of collaboration and synergies among existing initiatives in the partner regions, and to inspire similar developments in other EU regions in the later phases of its development. It will allow an in-depth analysis of collaboration approaches and the broad diffusion of methodological know how within and beyond the partner regions.
At least 100 teachers and trainers will be directly involved in the validation of the joint training-the-trainers model, while at least 10 organisations per partner region will be involved as active stakeholders in the development of the ED-EN HUB structures.

The ED-EN HUB project will be developed over a period of 36 months in which different activities will be carried out such as transnational meetings, training and teaching activities, research sessions and dissemination of results.
Start Date: September 01, 2020 | End Date: August 31, 2023