Political Implications – Recommendations on a wide range of policy areas, including education, vocational training, guidance policy, employment, and labour policy, as well as industrial and innovation policy.

The recommendations cover a wide range of policy areas, including education, vocational training, guidance policy, employment, and labour policy, as well as industrial and innovation policy. Based on consultations of stakeholders and on observations made during training and awareness sessions, they take account of both structural and cyclical issues. Recommendations are made at different levels: national, European but also local – through the development of local ED-EN Hubs. They are made at a level rarely mentioned in public policy, that of individual competences, considering debates held in other contexts such as the European Year of Competences or the National Productivity Boards in Europe.


Two deliverables are available:

D5.0 / IO5 Policy Implications: Details the policy recommentations. This document determine the policy implications of the ED-EN Hub project dedicated to a collaborative approach (education-entreprise) to the development of Transversal Competences. Based on the specificities of the ED-EN Hub approach (experiential, systemic, collaborative ans responsible), recommendations are based both on the insights of the eight project’s partners from five countries ( Four European members; Italy, France, Belgium and Portugal and extra-European member; United Kingdom) and on policy workshops involving policymakers, decision makers and stakeholders from entreprises, training organizations and guidance actors. The details policy challenges, drivers and areas before giving policy recommendations. It also presents its “phygital” model of Education-Entreprise cooperation and a representation of the policy dynamics required to develop Transversal Competencies. 

D5.1 / Rapport d’implications politiques: Details the process and the activities organized during the project to involve policy makers and bring out the policy recommendations.

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